Music production through Roli Seaboard keyboard and Airwave using gesture

Turn movement into music

Sonic exploration through Spatial Expression

Summon a crescendo with a wave, add luscious layers with a flick of the wrist, or create endlessly evolving textures with a gliding gesture. ROLI Airwave uses ROLI Vision to turn natural movements into unique musical moments.

Discover new Dimensions of Air

Connect Airwave to ROLI Pianos, ROLI Seaboard or any other MIDI keyboard to unlock Spatial Expression. Now you can play the air above your instrument using intuitive gestures.

Explore new sonic landscapes

Airwave comes with ROLI Airwave Player (Beta), an inspiring plug-in, compatible with most DAWs and packed with instantly inspiring sounds and stunning 3D visuals that react to your movements. Each preset has been carefully crafted by our team of expert sound designers and calibrated to respond intuitively to each Dimension of Air.

As intuitive

as it looks

(And as complex as you like)

Let your musical instincts take over; Airwave Player's sounds are designed to just work with natural gestures. Have something specific in mind? Map each of Airwave’s dimensions to any parameter you like in your music software or hardware of choice.

User playing ROLI Airwave and ROLI Piano M midi keyboards with the ROLI Airwave Player software on a MacBook.

Put on a show

Airwave adds a unique visual element to live performances, without obscuring anyone’s view. Perform expansive gestures that generate an instant, audible reaction from your instruments (and from the audience).

Playing Roli Seaboard rise 2 keyboard

Introducing ROLI Vision

Airwave uses infrared cameras and ROLI Vision technology to reliably track all 27 joints in each of your hands at 90 frames per second. The data is converted into MIDI in real time, giving you incredibly precise control of your musical expression.

Roli vision visualizing hand gestures with Airwave
A render of the ROLI Airwave looking upwards at its ROLI Vision powered infrared cameras

Made for ROLI Pianos and Seaboard

Airwave works with any MIDI keyboard, but it’s designed with Seaboard, ROLI Piano, and Piano M in mind. Simply connect it to your ROLI instrument to expand the dimensions of touch already on offer.

A women playing ROLI Airwave with ROLI Seaboard M in a home studio

ROLI Piano + Piano M

These MPE-capable keyboards feature uniquely expressive light-up keys that show scales, arpeggios, and more in your choice of two sizes. Add Airwave for even more dimensions of expression.

A chord lit up and being played on the ROLI Piano M for creators
A man playing ROLI Piano M midi keyboard for music creators on a desk

Seaboard 2 and Seaboard M

Our ultimate MPE controllers each feature seamless, tactile surfaces that respond to every nuance of your playing through Five Dimensions of Touch. Airwave adds even more gestural control with five new Dimensions of Air.

ROLI Airwave and ROLI Seaboard M midi keyboard being played in home studio. Airwave Player software is on a Apple MacBook.
User playing on the Keywaves of the ROLI Seaboard 2 in a home studio

Superpowers for any setup

Airwave is also compatible with third-party MIDI keyboards — just plug it in and follow the simple on-screen calibration procedure to unlock all five Dimensions of Air. You can even map each one to parameters in your favorite DAWs and third-party plug-ins.

Airwave in the studio with a Moog MIDI Controller
ROLI Airwave being used with a Novation MKIII MIDI controller in a recording studio

Powered by SpatialMusic AI

Airwave is the core hardware component of our latest technological breakthrough, SpatialMusic AI. The world’s first spatial AI platform for learning and creating music, it combines the cutting edge of computer vision, machine learning, and spatial computing to unify Airwave and all ROLI instruments into one holistic ecosystem designed to help you express yourself more fully.

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