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Explore new chords at the touch of a finger

Smart Chords is a quick and easy way to find great chord progresssions and keep your inspiration flowing, even if you don't know all the ins and outs of chord theory.

Instant Chord Progressions

Play in-key chord progressions with a single finger. Set your desired key and scale, and Smart Chords ensures you'll never play a wrong note.

Choose any key

Choose from any key in the western chromatic scale, and add your own twist with a range of unusual modes as well as familiar scales.

Extend your chords

Enrich your chord progressions with additional bass notes. Let Smart Chords determine alternative inversions for your scale. Or activate Strum, which breaks apart each note in the chord for a realistic strum effect.

Run ROLI Studio Player as a VST

Running ROLI Studio Player as a VST lets you to output your chords as MIDI data directly into your DAW, meaning you can play your favorite plugins with Smart Chords.