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Vast timbral variety

Twist and modulate three oscillators in any direction, and play with a vast range of timbres.


The three FM oscillators at the heart of Cypher2 feature linear thru-zero behaviour that keeps sounds in tune while allowing for timbral creativity. Each oscillator can smoothly morph between waveforms, and can run at their own rate and tuning if needed.

Fine tuning

As well as tuning with coarse and fine-tune parameters, phase position and phase reset can be controlled for surgical sound design. Each oscillator frequency can also be synced to the internal clock for rhythmic possitibilies.

Cross modulation possibilities

Each oscillator has huge cross modulation potential. FM, hard sync and ring modulation can be used to modulate one oscillator with another and create harmonically rich timbres. Route each oscillator to one of two separate filter channels to expand your sounds.