World Piano Day: 8 interesting facts about the piano
The world's oldest piano? Piano Olympics? Speedy piano playing? We're celebrating World Piano Day with 8 interesting facts about one of the most popular instruments in the world!

If you're anything like us here at ROLI, you’re a fan of all things music and have fallen for the alluring magic of the piano. So, let's delve into the fascinating world of this iconic instrument for World Piano Day today — the 88th day of the year! Let’s explore its rich history with a few fun facts that make it so beloved by musicians and enthusiasts alike.
1. The piano originated as an alternative to the harpsichord.
The piano's inception stemmed from a quest for the perfect sound. In the early 18th century, an Italian harpsichord maker named Bartolomeo Cristofori grew tired of the harpsichord's inability to vary dynamics. Cristofori set out on a mission to craft something that could respond to the touch of the player with a range of expressions. Cristofori named the new invention “un cimbalo di cipresso di piano e forte" meaning "a keyboard of cypress with soft and loud", which was later shortened to “pianoforte” and now remains as the piano we all know and love!
Cristofori's invention revolutionized music-making, offering pianists the ability to control volume and expressivity with each delicate or thunderous keystroke. The piano has evolved into a symbol of tonal versatility and melodic expression, and its journey from humble beginnings to becoming a cornerstone of musical composition is a testament to human ingenuity and creativity.
2. The Guinness World record holder for “fastest pianist” is Domingos Antonio Gomes
While there have been countless pianists who have been graced with the title of “world’s fastest pianist” over the years, there is only one who currently holds the Guinness World Record for it. Domingos Antonio Gomes holds the title of the world's fastest pianist, demonstrating unparalleled speed and dexterity on the keys by playing the key B7 a total 824 times in 60 seconds, which is more than 13 hits a second. His breathtaking performances on his YouTube channel exemplify the mastery and skill required to command the piano with precision and finesse, inspiring awe and admiration in audiences worldwide.
3. The piano is considered to be both a percussive and stringed instrument!
One of the piano's most remarkable qualities is its dual identity as both a percussive and stringed instrument. The inner workings of a piano require strings to be hit by small hammers, and the vibration of those strings produce a piano’s sound, causing many years of debate of which category the instrument should be classed. Today, the piano is generally considered to fall into both string and percussion categories.
From the thunderous resonance of its bass notes to the delicate whisper of its treble keys, the piano encompasses a vast spectrum of tonal colors and textures. It's a symphony of contrasts, blending rhythmic intensity with melodic grace to captivate listeners with its multifaceted, melodic, and percussive beauty.
4. The first electric keyboard was made in 1974.
In 1874, Elisha Gray introduced the world to the first electric keyboard, which was able to produce two octaves of an electric “buzzing sound”, marking a revolutionary moment in musical history. This innovation paved the way for a new era of experimentation and creativity, expanding the sonic possibilities of the piano and inspiring generations of musicians to push the boundaries of sound. Fast forward to the present day, and electric keyboards have changed dramatically, with the likes of Piano M showing just what new technology can do!

4. Playing piano has a whole bunch of mental health benefits
Beyond its melodic allure, the piano offers profound mental health benefits. Numerous studies have demonstrated the cognitive advantages of learning the piano, including enhanced language building skills and improved academic achievement. As a tool for self-expression and emotional release, the piano serves as a therapeutic outlet for individuals of all ages.
5. Playing piano has a whole bunch of mental health benefits
Beyond its melodic allure, the piano offers profound mental health benefits. Numerous studies have demonstrated the cognitive advantages of learning the piano, including enhanced language building skills and improved academic achievement. As a tool for self-expression and emotional release, the piano serves as a therapeutic outlet for individuals of all ages.

6. The Piano Olympics are a real thing
Every four years, the International Franz Liszt Piano Competition captivates audiences in Utrecht, Netherlands. Dubbed the "Piano Olympics," this prestigious event draws top young pianists from across the globe to compete for accolades and recognition. It's a celebration of virtuosity and musical excellence, showcasing the transformative power of the piano on the world stage.
7. Piano keys used to be made from real ivory
Ever wondered where the phrase “tickling the ivories” came from? The phrase harks back to a time when piano keys were once crafted from ivory, a material obtained from elephant tusks. However, with increasing awareness of conservation efforts and the protection of wildlife, modern pianos now utilize synthetic materials for key production. Nevertheless, the charming colloquialism for playing piano endures to this day, serving as a nod to the early era of piano craftsmanship and the instrument's legacy.
8. The oldest piano in existence was made in 1720 and resides in the MOMA
Dating back to 1720, three of Bartolomeo Cristofori’s original pianos still remain, including the world's oldest piano – a healthy 303 years old!– which is housed in the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). These musical artifacts stand as a testament to the enduring legacy of this remarkable instrument, and a tangible link to the past, preserving the craftsmanship and innovation of generations past for future generations to admire and cherish.
On this World Piano Day, let's celebrate the timeless allure and enchanting melodies of the piano. Whether you're a seasoned virtuoso or an enthusiastic novice, the piano invites us all to experience the transformative power of music, one key at a time.