7 reasons why learning piano together is good for families

Research has consistently shown that musical education enhances cognitive abilities, boosts memory retention, nurtures emotional development, and contributes to overall well-being. So, if you're considering embarking on a learning adventure together, here are our top 7 reasons why you should experience the pure delight of learning to play the piano as a family.

2023-07 - Good for families - Blog

Are you ready to embark on an extraordinary musical journey as a family? Learning to play an instrument, like the piano, brings a multitude of benefits that go beyond the sheer joy of creating music. It's an engaging and productive activity, and learning piano with a platform like LUMI promotes healthy screen time and provides endless opportunities for personal growth and connection. Research has consistently shown that musical education enhances cognitive abilities, boosts memory retention, nurtures emotional development, and contributes to overall well-being. So, if you're considering embarking on a learning adventure together, here are our top 7 reasons why you should experience the pure delight of learning to play the piano as a family.

Get ready to explore a world of music, laughter, and shared accomplishments, with the LUMI Family Membership! With 5 user profiles allowed, it’s the best value way for the whole family to learn.

1. Bonding and togetherness

Learning the piano as a family creates a unique opportunity for bonding and togetherness. By sharing this musical experience, you'll strengthen your relationships, deepen connections, and create lasting memories that you'll cherish for years to come.

Playing music together fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose. It provides a platform where family members can engage in a collaborative and supportive environment. Whether you're practicing together, performing duets, or simply cheering each other on, the piano becomes a medium for creating beautiful moments and deepening family ties.

2. Mutual support and encouragement

Learning alongside family members provides a built-in support system. You can inspire and encourage each other through the ups and downs of the learning process, fostering a sense of teamwork, empathy, and shared achievement.

As each family member progresses on their musical journey, they can offer support, guidance, and motivation to others. This mutual support system creates an uplifting atmosphere, where everyone feels empowered to take on challenges and celebrate each other's accomplishments.

3. Nurturing creativity

The piano is a beautiful instrument that nurtures creativity. As a family, you can explore different musical styles, experiment with melodies, and compose your own tunes. This creative outlet allows each family member to express themselves and develop their unique musical voice.

The LUMI Music app offers a vast library of songs, lessons, and games, providing a rich and diverse musical landscape for exploration. From classical to contemporary, you can dive into various genres and discover the joys of improvisation and composition. With LUMI, you have the tools and resources to unlock your family's creative potential and unleash a world of musical possibilities.

4. Cognitive development

Learning the piano enhances cognitive skills for both children and adults. It improves concentration, memory, and problem-solving abilities. As you navigate melodies, read sheet music, and coordinate your hands, you'll witness remarkable cognitive growth within your family.

Scientific research has shown that musical education positively impacts cognitive development. Playing the piano engages multiple areas of the brain simultaneously, stimulating neural connections and enhancing cognitive functions. It improves spatial-temporal skills, mathematical abilities, and language processing. By learning piano together as a family, you're providing a stimulating environment that promotes mental acuity and intellectual growth.

5. Stress relief and emotional well-being

Music has a powerful impact on our emotions. Playing the piano as a family offers a way to unwind, de-stress, and express emotions through music. It creates a soothing and harmonious atmosphere that promotes emotional well-being for everyone involved.

Engaging with music has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It provides an outlet for emotional expression and serves as a therapeutic tool. When families gather around the piano, playing and listening to music together, they create a space of tranquility and emotional connection.

6. Lifelong learning and personal growth

Learning the piano as a family instills a love for lifelong learning. It teaches the value of perseverance, discipline, and the rewards of continuous improvement. These skills and mindsets extend beyond the piano and positively influence various aspects of life.

By embarking on a musical journey together, you're embracing a growth mindset and fostering a culture of learning within your family. The process of mastering the piano requires patience, dedication, and resilience. The LUMI interactive learning system supports this journey, providing a comprehensive platform for continuous learning and personal growth for each family member.

7. Celebrating achievements together

As a family, you can celebrate each milestone and achievement along the musical journey. From mastering a new song to performing at a family gathering, these shared triumphs build confidence, boost self-esteem, and foster a sense of pride in each family member.

The LUMI Family Membership enables you to track individual progress and celebrate accomplishments together. Whether it's completing a challenging lesson, reaching a high score in a game, or performing a piece flawlessly, each achievement becomes a cause for celebration and reinforcement. These shared moments of joy and success strengthen the bond between family members and create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

So, why not embark on this extraordinary adventure of learning the piano as a family? Unleash your creativity, strengthen bonds, and experience the countless benefits that music brings. Let the piano be your guide as you create harmonious melodies and begin a journey of growth, joy, and connection together.

Learn more about the LUMI Family Membership.