Soundhive Sessions: Watch DiViNCi's lightning-fast Lightpad skills

ROLI Soundhive Sessions launches with films featuring finger-drumming virtuoso DiViNCi

DiViNCi performs with Lightpad Blocks, Live Block, Ableton Live and a Talk Box in our first ROLI Soundhive Sessions film.

When we invited DiViNCi to ROLI's New York office to launch the ROLI Soundhive Sessions, we knew we were in for an irresistable beat-based treat!

DiViNCi is the first artist to feature in the Soundhive Sessions, a new series where we invite some of our favorite music makers to the ROLI Soundhive to share their skills, craft and advice. Each artist has the opportunity to bring their own unique sound and setup to the intimate setting of the Soundhive — and offer insights into how they create.

As a producer and live performer renowned for his lightning-fast finger drumming, DiViNCi has toured with critically-acclaimed stars like Ms. Lauryn Hill. For the first film in his Soundhive Session, DiViNCi laid down an epic semi-improvised track with Lightpad Blocks, Live Block, a Talk Box, Ableton Live and drums from MSXII Sound.

Watch his blistering performance above. In the second film DiViNCi takes you behind the scenes of his setup and reveals how he configured his BLOCKS for live jamming. Check it out below:

Learn more about how to configure ROLI Dashboard like DiViNCi in the ROLI Learning Hub. You'll also find plenty of other helpful BLOCKS and Seaboard tutorials there, so start exploring.

Stay tuned for more ROLI Soundhive Sessions in the coming months, including a showcase from Brooklyn beat-maker The Phronetic! Don't miss out on new sessions — subscribe to the ROLI Youtube channel and our ROLI Soundhive Sessions playlist.

And if you just can't get enough of DiViNCi's jaw-dropping finger drumming skills, you can learn from the master with one-on-one coaching from DiViNCi himself at You should check out his performance at NAMM 2017 too. It's another virtuoso display of on-the-fly beatmaking with the Lightpad Block that's sure to take your breath away: