Learn to play Mozart with LUMI

Watch a medley of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s best-loved tunes – all performed with LUMI Keys

2024-04 - Classical Medley Video - Blog D

Mozart made easy

Watch as we blitz through a selection of Mozart’s most popular pieces using LUMI Keys and the LUMI Music App including Eine Kleine Nachtmusik; Turkish March (Rondo Alla Turca); Horn Concerto, No.4 III; and Sonata, No. 16 in C Major.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart lived before the invention of the modern piano – hard to believe, given the impact his music has had on the instrument since. Learning to play the traditional way without at least encountering Mozart would be almost unthinkable. 

Today though, we have other options; LUMI replaces strict teachers, expensive lessons and rigid practice schedules with fun, gamified learning that moves at your own pace. But that doesn’t mean we can’t tackle some Mozart too. Whether you’re a lifelong lover of classical music, or just want to better understand what all the fuss is about, LUMI is the perfect way to start getting to grips with the maestro’s works.

The LUMI app features sixteen Mozart pieces in all, two of which are Quick Play lessons, designed to help you hammer out some of his most recognisable melodies right away. We’ve also got all four movements of Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, which would be a great place to start for a total beginner. Want the full piano-lesson experience? Expert LUMI coaches provide easy-to-digest info through interactive lessons, and you can switch the app to Classic View to play along with traditional sheet music or get the best of all worlds with ColorNote View.

Ready to start your LUMI learning journey? Grab your own set of LUMI Keys and you’ll be marching towards piano mastery in no time!

[See all the songs available in the LUMI Music app.]